Saturday, February 28, 2009

I made it!

Hello all- I dont have a lot of time here so I am not going to fix my spelling errors. and tis key board is sorta weird.

After long travels, with long layovers, and being bloated on 8 hour flights, I made it. I got here this morning and am totally overwhelmed. Just as you predicted Tish and Joy.
I made some friends in the ariport in Delhi and they wre my little agels as they helped me along the rest of the way. One is a native Nepalese coming home to visit his family= the other 2 are from Florida and they are rr\eally my savirors.
My ride to my hostel was insane. There were cars going in all directions, and monkey crawling around on buildings, I dont' even know how well I can descrie it right now, seeing how sleep deprived I am. What was funny was we got lost- my drivers couldn't find the Kathmandu Peace Guest house, my hostel. SO it took 2x as long, and with major rush hour traffic, it ws just nuts.
When I got to my room, I laid down and took a nap. all the windows were open and I have a little balcony. My bathroom is hilarious. It is suppose d to have a shower- bu t all that is there is a facet on the wall near the ancient toilet. I fell asleep to strange sounds of Kathmandu. I woke up and got the gumption to venture out intot hte town. It is lovely out, but the air is thick with smog and dust. It is hard to breathe. Many people walk around with masks on. A monkey nearly jumped on me, and I got hit with several water baloons by kids on top of a 4 story building. I just laughed, and they laughed. Its all good. I wandered a bit, but tried not to get lost. I watched men fix a building with an assembly line of wokrers going up iwtha big cement truck- men walked away with huge baskets strapped to their head filled with rocks. It is just chaos. It is going ot take some gettin used to, that is for sure. Of course when I first wanted to go on the internet, there was a power cut for 2 hours or so. So, I read my book till it came back on. By the way Miki lu, I read that entire book you gave me on the way here. In fact, I was finished with it when I got to New Delhi. Delhi smells like sparklers.
I am already feeling a bit lonely, but I have a dinner date tonight with Tina, the head of the Responsible Travellers. I shoud probably go now, but hope you all are well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


sorry I keep changing the layout- I am trying to find one I like, so if it is getting confusing, I apologize.

The Journey Begins today...

   Today is the day where I stay at home with Tuesday, our dog, and start to think about what lays ahead of me.  I am a total roller coaster of emotions right now- I am so excited, yet so scared- anxious, nervous, relieved the day is finally come, everything. I am feeling it all.  And then there is all the little things to think about- which back pack should I pack in?  Which pack should be my day pack?  Humm... Should I bother with a purse?  Ya, I should atleast bring something to put my camera and stuff in when I am wondering the streets of Kathmandu... Uggg.  They are silly things to be fretting over, but I can't help it.  
I have my dad's sleeping bag that he used to hitch hike with in the 70's.  I washed it yesterday, but I noticed the seams are starting to come undone, and I forgot a shoe to put in the dryer so it's a bit clumpy... I am girl.  I like to used sentimental things.  I can't help it.  Sorry dad, but I probably have to use a borrowed sleeping bag.
   Tonight I am guessing I won't be able to sleep one bit.  Oma told me to take lots of melatonin.  Then, I'll be up at 4:30am, and off to the airport.  My flight will leave at 7:05am, and I will land in New York only to sit around for about 8 hours.  Then, tomorrow evening, I am off to Brussels.  I have flown for 8 hours before, so that flight should be fine.  I have a short layover there, then I am off to New Delhi India!  I get there late Friday night, and leave early Sat. morning to fly to Kathmandu, Nepal.  So, while you all are thinking of me leaving on Thursday, you are going to go to bed that night, wake up friday, go to work/school/preschool- Brynn, Lucea, Jack, Isaiah, and many others- you will be doing show and tell with Mr. Rhett and Ms. Joy.  Then, you will go to bed that night.  That WHOLE day, I will STILL be traveling.  But when you go to bed Friday night, I will just be getting to Kathmandu in a drunken feeling haze.  I arrive in Kathmandu at 8am, which will make it almost 8pm. on Friday in Minneapolis. 
   So many things to think about, and yet I know I am worrying more than I need to.  
   I would like to thank you all for your support.  I am lucky to have a job that will allow me to do something like this.  I also want to thank all you for your generosity- I have been saving up for this trip a long time now.  Every penny I earned has mostly gone toward this trip, so all the extra bucks here and there are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
   My dryer beeped, which reminds me that I should be organizing.  Next time I write, I will most likely be in Kathmandu, doin' the Kat-man.
   Talk to you all soon.