Saturday, February 28, 2009

I made it!

Hello all- I dont have a lot of time here so I am not going to fix my spelling errors. and tis key board is sorta weird.

After long travels, with long layovers, and being bloated on 8 hour flights, I made it. I got here this morning and am totally overwhelmed. Just as you predicted Tish and Joy.
I made some friends in the ariport in Delhi and they wre my little agels as they helped me along the rest of the way. One is a native Nepalese coming home to visit his family= the other 2 are from Florida and they are rr\eally my savirors.
My ride to my hostel was insane. There were cars going in all directions, and monkey crawling around on buildings, I dont' even know how well I can descrie it right now, seeing how sleep deprived I am. What was funny was we got lost- my drivers couldn't find the Kathmandu Peace Guest house, my hostel. SO it took 2x as long, and with major rush hour traffic, it ws just nuts.
When I got to my room, I laid down and took a nap. all the windows were open and I have a little balcony. My bathroom is hilarious. It is suppose d to have a shower- bu t all that is there is a facet on the wall near the ancient toilet. I fell asleep to strange sounds of Kathmandu. I woke up and got the gumption to venture out intot hte town. It is lovely out, but the air is thick with smog and dust. It is hard to breathe. Many people walk around with masks on. A monkey nearly jumped on me, and I got hit with several water baloons by kids on top of a 4 story building. I just laughed, and they laughed. Its all good. I wandered a bit, but tried not to get lost. I watched men fix a building with an assembly line of wokrers going up iwtha big cement truck- men walked away with huge baskets strapped to their head filled with rocks. It is just chaos. It is going ot take some gettin used to, that is for sure. Of course when I first wanted to go on the internet, there was a power cut for 2 hours or so. So, I read my book till it came back on. By the way Miki lu, I read that entire book you gave me on the way here. In fact, I was finished with it when I got to New Delhi. Delhi smells like sparklers.
I am already feeling a bit lonely, but I have a dinner date tonight with Tina, the head of the Responsible Travellers. I shoud probably go now, but hope you all are well.


  1. hey my love, glad to hear your safe... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back a monkey! We can get Tueser a saddle and the monkey could ride her everywhere! THEN we could give the monkey popcorn as a treat, and thats really a double score, cuz we'd be makin A LOT of PCorn. You down with monkeys?

    Remember darlin "only the wise man is wise in the place of wisdom when he can get one of those couches with a really comfortable mold in it, that fits him perfectly (you know, from being sat in too much) for a REALLY good deal" -Confucius

  2. p.s. i love you........ aaaaand whered you put your dirt devil?

  3. Of course you made friends before even getting to Nepal... only you Athena! I miss you... it took me this long to find your blog!
