Thursday, March 5, 2009

hangin' out

The past few days have been dedicated to chilling out. I spent an entire day doing absolutely NOTHING, and I totally dug it. I love you kids at LHMS, but I am loving this break from reality, and getting this amazing glimpse of reality in the real world.
I tried to write the other day, but the power was shut off just before I could publish it. There is only 6 hours of power a day, which is broken up into 3 hr. segments.
I did nothing for 2 days in a row. Clare and the others are on a trek in the Annapurna region, so I have been on my lonesome, till a new friend came into the picture.
Yesterday, we walked to Pashpatinath, the Hindu temple, again. Totally different vibe. Not as many yogi's there that day. There were 4 bodies being cremated, and the smoke was horrific. We also found these amazing steps that were totally filled with monkeys that lead to deer park. That walk took about 2 hours. Then, we spent the next hour walking to Boudnath, the buddhist temple where tibetans refugees come to pray, and monks attend a monestary there to study. The walk there was interesting. I had little pebbles being thrown at me for being in a off the beaten track neighborhood. and it was. We got a lot of funny looks. I also want to say that I had no idea how to get to these places- just a vague idea i guess. But I found them almost as if I was a magnet. I was totally drawn, and felt totally confident. SO, while at Boudnath, I a monk approached us. He asked us where we were from and so on, then, HE ASKED US TO GO INSIDE THE MONESTARY WITH HIM. It was incredible. We took off our shoes and walked into this dark room with giant gold statues of of gods, and murals that kick the butt off Michaelangelo. It was so intricate, and all had a story. He took our picture, then said a prayer, and wrapped a white scarf around our necks- symbol of good luck and love. He brought us up stairs next. Beautiful view of Boudhnath. He then took my hand and said a prayer and had me say the names of all my family for each candle. Mom, Dad, Liana, you were all blessed by a Buddhist Monk in Nepal with me. Keep that to heart. It was an amazing experience. I was so jazzed- so content, and at peace, yet so energetic I couldn't stop laughing. It was just so awesome. This monk was from Tibet (Lhasa) and has been a monk for 15 years. He said some thing to the effect "tomorrow, I pray, walk in circles, maybe good karma for next life. We'll see!" We walked around a GIANT prayer wheel and he chanted as we walked around it. Each time a bell rang. We said goodbye, and I couldn't believe what had happened. I was blessed by a monk, and he blessed my family. He even took a paper with my name on it to pray for me later. Incredible.
The walk back was insane. Rush hour traffic in Kathmandu is like nothing I've ever seen. It's truely nuts. My high slowly diminished from the fumes and honking. Ended up taking a cab back to a bar where I listened to bad 80's music (except Pat Benatar came on and I thought of singing that with Joy at work for the kids. Then the Talking Heads- "we're on a road to nowhere" and i miss my MikiLu and Nathan. You guys know why.)
I slept well that night.
There are some noisy people now though at my Hostel. In the middle of the night, you'll hear weird pounding, and it is quite obnoxious.
anyway, I hope to go to Monkey Temple tomorrow, maybe with the same new friend.
I'll write when I can.
Love to you all!!


  1. Wow, how can you say anything else to your experience. I am so happy this oppourtunity is here for you. You are going to remember this for the rest of your life.

    I love the visuals and all the people you are meeting. We love you and think of you. Remember to breathe, maybe slowly.

    Lisa, Reid and Mia

  2. Hey Girl! How awesome! I am so excited for you. Sounds like you are getting along great...not that I'd even worry about you. You are a natural born traveler. Hope all continues to go well for you while your there. I love that you've written so much...keep it up if you can. It is so fun to read cuz I can picture you there : ) luv you girl!

  3. Hey baby girl - you are painting wonderful pictures with your words, and we are hanging on to them all with great pride & love in our hearts - keep sending out the wonderful energy, and the great experiences and many blessings will continue to come your way - trust in your heart and your gut, and be sensitive at all times to those around you -
    everyone here is fine and sending you good thoughts & prayers for your safety -
    Love ya -- Mom & Dad
