Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monkeys and Raju

Sat. marked one week of me experiencing Kathmandu. I woke up early that day, had a big breakfast, and started walking toward Monkey Temple. The walk was different than my past long walks through the city. I crossed a river that was so polluted with trash and sewage I started to gag. Looking down at my feet didn't help either as particles of animal were scattered accross the bridge. Wandered through a neighborhood that was pretty nice. Lots of smiling beautiful, curious faces. I had to dodge water balloons a lot that day. I only got hit a few times.
It was only a 20 min. walk there to Swayambutnath (monkey temple). The entrance was spectacular. Huge gate that told all- gold and elaborate. It is a long walk up steps toward the temple. Surrounding the area is giant Buddha statues about big as houses it seems like. More beggars, more people selling. That last bit up was the steepest and hardest. But so worth it once you reach the top. Monkeys run wild doing tricks upon the temples. The eyes pierced down at me. Many locals come here to pray. The grounds are surrounded with little stupas that are dark and medival looking. I am finding this place hard to describe. It was all just too incredible to put into words. The view looking down at the valley of Kathmandu is also pretty amazing, and for the first time I could see a little tip of the himilayas (it's always so smoggy and hazy here). I wandered down the path and found myself at a different temple where there appeared to be a dance party, and young women were shakin it. ;) even the older men joined into the dancing of local hip hop. It was fun to watch. All so amazing. I don't know how long I stayed at Monkey Temple, but it had some great people watcing. I went to another buddhist monestary there too. I watched a monk show a woman how to pray, which lead to beautiful prayers and chanting. The sound of those monks will forever stay in my mind. I spent the rest of that day walking home, and drinking a needed beer. I got hit a few times walking home with more water balloons. Only 2 days left till the festival.
Sunday, I slept in. I didn't do too much at all. I DID however, make plans to go to the Chitwan National Forest on Tuesday. Looking forward to that. I will spend 3 days there, canoeing, washing elephants, going on a little jungle saffari for only $70! That includes hotel stay and food too. But anyway, I was walking down the street with my friend and suddenly a man ran up to us from behind. It was Raju. He had been looking all day yesterday for us, and now all morning. He said his wife was very mad at him for not having us over for dinner in thanks for "changing their life". I said ok. He took us on a little adventure around his neighborhood- took us to a temple, where I got nailed by balloons. (I was soaked.) At one point I had to use a bathroom, so he asked some people on the street if I got use their toilet. It was just a hole in the ground. Funny to do. Good thing I have strong legs. The women were working inside making these beautiful carpets by hand. It was amazing. They work together working on one, and it takes more than a month to complete it. Hard work.
That night, Raju and his wife cooked us the most delicious dinner- most authentic Indian food I ahave ever had. It is tradition to feed eachother, so we all took pieces of chipati and grabbed up the veggie concoction and fed eachother. The 2 year old just sucked on a tomatoe and smiled. She is so adorable. It was truely a memorable experience.
So, today is Monday, festival of Colors. I bought some hilarious pants that I think is for a short man.... to wear today. In a few hours, I am going to be bombarded with water and color. I think being a white female makes me an easy, obvious target. It will be hilarious.
So, I may not have a chance to get to ta computer for a while after this entry, so please don't worry about me (mom and dad). I'm just going to be busy.
Much love to you all.


  1. Good to hear you're adjusting. It sounds crazy there, but you're being awesome as always. Keep up the good travelin.

  2. Hey Miss Athena - -sounds so wonderful. . . even the trying parts will make for vivid lifelong memories not to be replaced. Thanks for sharing - -what an experience of a lifetime. . .do just as you are, savor it . . . enjoy. . . document. Stay safe and good luck.
    Donna (Nina's Mom)
